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smart street poles

Whether you have been in the city itself, walking down an extremely crowded street? It can get very crowded! You will probably see many people passing by in a hurry, horn sounds of cars and it can be tough to locate your way before all the hustling environment. One of the more interesting ways cities are helping folks get through some of these busy streets is via something called a smart street pole.

These are NOT your grandfathers street poles. These mast lights have some special technology in them! These poles are races equipped with cameras, sensors and wifi! One such system being implemented around the country, is smart street poles utilizing cameras and sensors to help make traffic flow better, keep our public places secure as well as making it easier for us all to get around NYC.

    The future of sustainable cities

    Smart street polls are an excellent example of improving traffic. Using cameras and sensors, they can see when cars are backed up or stuck at a light. When they sense this, the traffic lights can be altered so that cars are given priority. It says that either people waste less time sitting in jams or they just get to where they want faster — home, work and school.

    It was part of a movement dubbed the Internet of Street Poles, which are street poles specifically designed to save energy. For example, turning off their lights when they don't need… cuz there's plenty of light from the sun during daytime. An example is that they can utilize a solar panels which are the equipment that capture energy from sunlight to generate own electricity! Over time it helps us to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that are harmful for our planet, and work towards a new clean green future generation.

    Why choose LECUSO smart street poles?

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