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Research and development trend of LECUSO's future solar street lights

Time : 2023-09-12 Hits : 1

In recent years, solar street lights have been widely used in public places such as urban streets, squares, and parks, especially in terms of environmental protection, energy saving, and safety. Facing the rapid development of the future market, Lecuso, as a leading brand in the solar street lighting industry, needs to continue to explore and innovate, and be at the forefront of the industry to meet different environments and customer needs. In the future, Lecuso's research and development of solar street lights will start from the following aspects: 1. Improve light efficiency and energy saving The development trend of solar street lamps is "increased light efficiency and reduced energy consumption". Strengthen the research and development of new LED light sources, optimize the light efficiency through careful light distribution design, gradually enhance the energy saving effect, and greatly reduce energy waste. In order to make better use of the characteristics of solar energy, we will use high-efficiency solar cell components to improve photoelectric conversion efficiency and increase energy storage density. 2. Strengthen product intelligence The intelligence of solar street lights is the future development trend, which can improve safety and comfort to a certain extent. Lecuso will vigorously promote the application of intelligent technology. We will develop a set of data collection, analysis, processing and control systems to meet the needs of various equipment through intelligent technical means. Our solar street light intelligent control system can automatically sense environmental changes, intelligently adjust light brightness, switch time and energy consumption, etc. 3. Enrich product form and color Solar street lights are not only a lighting device, but also an important part of the city's visual form. In the future, Lecuso will explore more product forms and colors, and choose according to customer needs and style requirements. We will continue to promote the design of solar street light products, and ensure the aesthetics, practicability and economy of the products through innovations in product shape, material and color. 4. Promoting multi-energy hybrid applications The multi-energy hybrid application of solar street lights is also the future research and development direction. In order to better ensure the continuous stability of solar street lights, we will explore blue degradable materials, polysilicon solar modules, batteries and other sustainable development approaches, and use a variety of energy hybrid technologies to increase stability and safety , to achieve the practical application of solar street lights. In short, in the future, solar street lights will become more and more intelligent, energy-saving, and beautiful. Lecuso will always maintain an innovative spirit in this field, keep pace with the times, and continuously develop more high-quality and efficient products to meet the needs of different customers.

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